The 2nd edition of the Inspira Program, dedicated to inclusive training in Green Economy in Castilla-La Mancha, comes to an end

The 2nd edition of the Inspira Program, dedicated to inclusive training in Green Economy in Castilla-La Mancha, comes to an end The Inspira Program aims at the social and labor insertion of young people between 16 and 30 years old at risk of social exclusion and vulnerable situations. Fundación Iberdrola España and Save the Children … Read more

Castilla-La Mancha will launch a traveling exhibition on the masterpieces of its museums

Castilla-La Mancha will launch a traveling exhibition on the masterpieces of its museums Museorum is the new proposal of the Iberdrola Foundation that will bring the art of the art galleries to ten localities of the region It will be inaugurated on February 16 in Cuenca Fundación Iberdrola España and the Regional Ministry of Castilla … Read more

Fuengirola hosts the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’

Fuengirola hosts the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’ La exposición, promovida por la Fundación Iberdrola España, viajará por tres localidades de la región andaluza Acercará al público fuengiroleño 50 de las obras más relevantes de la colección permanente del Prado con reproducciones fotográficas Fuengirola acoge la exposición ‘El Museo del Prado en … Read more

The quadruple lock of the Canal de Castilla will be illuminated with new lighting

The quadruple lock of the Canal de Castilla will be illuminated with new lighting The Duero Hydrographic Confederation, the Frómista Town Council, and Fundación Iberdrola España have joined forces to carry out this project that will contribute to sustainability by improving its energy efficiency The new lighting will use LED technology and will accentuate its … Read more

Visit to the CH. JMª Oriol and the Ceclavín PV. plant with the FAD Foundation

Visit to the CH. JMª Oriol and the Ceclavín PV. plant with the FAD Foundation Fundación Iberdrola España and Fundación FAD Juventud collaborate with the Project “Accompanying the labor market insertion of young people in training in renewable energies” A total of 31 people, including students and teachers from IES Francisco Tomás y Valiente de … Read more

The pioneering visual accessibility program ‘Arte para Tocar’ sponsored by Fundación Iberdrola España returns

The pioneering visual accessibility program ‘Arte para Tocar’ sponsored by Fundación Iberdrola España returns An exhibition aimed at visually impaired people that the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum and Iberdrola launched in 2012 The exhibition increases its offer and incorporates the signature of one of the most outstanding painters of the cubist movement, María Blanchard The … Read more

His Majesty the King presides over Iberdrola’s “Training, Employment and Excellence” Conference

His Majesty the King presides over Iberdrola’s “Training, Employment and Excellence” Conference HM the King, accompanied by the Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, took part this morning at the Company’s headquarters in a day of support for young talent and excellence, during which he presented the Scholarships corresponding to various training programs promoted by Iberdrola … Read more

The Noia Aerial Surveillance Squadron recovers its vegetation thanks to Fundación AMICOS and Iberdrola

The Noia Aerial Surveillance Squadron recovers its vegetation thanks to Fundación AMICOS and Iberdrola The planting of more than 7,000 native species will avoid the emission of 1,145 tons of CO2 during its life cycle The AMICOS Foundation has participated in this initiative by helping to populate the range with seedlings Funded by Fundación Iberdrola … Read more

The Fundación Iberdrola España scholarships will enable ten Paralympic athletes to continue their university studies.

The Fundación Iberdrola España scholarships will enable ten Paralympic athletes to continue their university studies. Ten Paralympic athletes will be able to continue their university studies in the 2022/2023 academic year thanks to the ‘Fundación Iberdrola España Scholarships’, which were awarded this Wednesday in Madrid. They are the swimmers Sarai Gascón, Óscar Salguero, José Antonio … Read more

La Puebla de Montalbán closes the traveling exhibition “Un Patrimonio de todos”

La Puebla de Montalbán closes the traveling exhibition “Un Patrimonio de todos” An exhibition sponsored by the Fundación Iberdrola España, consisting of 40 images showing squares, town halls, bridges, and other unique heritage sites in the five provinces of the community. It will be on display until January 20 at the Civic Center La Soledad. … Read more