Legal Information

Legal Information


Who we are

The registered offices of Fundación Iberdrola España are in Madrid at Calle Arequipa, number 1, 4th floor. For more information, please contact us by telephone on 917842213 or at the following e-mail address:

The Fundación Iberdrola España, with tax identification number G-83277871, incorporated on March 13, 2002, is qualified as social interest by ECD/2019/2002 Ministerial Order of 15 July 2002, and recorded in the Foundations Register of the Ministry of Culture, being its founder IBERDROLA S.A Corporation.

Codes of conduct

Fundación Iberdrola España adopts the corporate social responsibility strategy of IBERDROLA, to the extent appropriate to its founding purpose and such assigned by the Board of Directors of the Company, serving major national and international recommendations on good governance and non-profit entities, for which it has adopted a corporate governance policy available to users on the website


FUNDACIÓN IBERDROLA ESPAÑA ofrece el acceso al sitio web  en las condiciones de uso que se describen a continuación:

Registration for the services as a registered user

Fundación Iberdrola España provides access to the website under the terms of use described as follows:

Access and users

Access to the website attributes the status of USER to whomsoever does so and expresses the full and unreserved acceptance on the part of the USER of each and every one of these TERMS OF USE, without prejudice to such specific terms as are required in the event that the USER wishes to access any of the enquiries offered.

The provision of the service of the Portal is free. This notwithstanding, Fundación Iberdrola España reserves the option of placing the condition for access to some services of prior registration by the USER by means of completion of the User Registration Form, which is available to anyone wishing to register as a REGISTERED USER.

Whenever necessary to register as a REGISTERED USER or to provide personal information to access a specific enquiry; collection and treatment of the data required to complete the Registration Form shall be subject to the chapter on security and protection of personal data.


Fundación Iberdrola España, in order to improve the website, reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the presentation, configuration, technical specifications, contents and services of the websites, at any time without notice to USERS.

Likewise, Fundación Iberdrola España reserves the right to modify at any time these terms of use and any other specific terms contained in the website.


At Fundación Iberdrola España, one of our prime objectives is to ensure that everyone, regardless of disabilities, age or the type of technology used, is able to access our corporate website without problems.

For this purpose, the Fundación Iberdrola España website has been developed in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 issued by W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium).


Fundación Iberdrola España guarantees that all the content offered on website respect the principle of the dignity of persons, the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of race, sex, religion, thought, nationality, inability or any other personal or social circumstance, including the principle of the protection of adolescence and childhood.

Adequate use

The USER undertakes to make proper use of the of the content and services of, which may under no circumstances be used for illegal purposes or ones which may be contrary to civil order, the defense of the nation or public health. Any use by the USER of the content and services must respect the principles stated in the above paragraph.

USERS coming to this web site are expressly authorized to view all the information it contains, as well as to download or make private reproductions of same on their own computer systems, as long as the elements reproduced are intended solely for the USER’s personal use; they may not be granted or transferred to third parties.

Intellectual and industrial property

The intellectual and industrial property rights contained in the web pages of, their graphic design and computer codes, including the trade names, brands and distinctive signs, are the property of Fundación Iberdrola España, unless where it is stated that they are the property of another.

Any reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of their content, which has not been expressly authorized by its owners, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by law.

Fundación Iberdrola España shall be entitled to exercise the corresponding administrative, civil or criminal actions in case any infringement by the USER occurs.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities

Access to and use of the pages is made under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the USER.

Fundación Iberdrola España does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in the pages which are not own-elaborated and whose content belongs to third parties information sources. Fundación Iberdrola España shall only be liable for its own services and contents directly elaborated by IBERDROLA and identified as its intellectual and industrial property.

Fundación Iberdrola España neither guarantees nor is liable for any damages of any kind, which are due to the following circumstances:

1. The lack of continuity of the operation of, including the incorrect operation of the web pages. 2. The lack of use, suitability or validity of the services and content provided on with regard to the results and expectations of the USER. 3. The existence of viruses or programs in the USER’s computer. 4. The access by non-authorized third parties to the conditions, characteristics and circumstances of access and use of USERS to website. 5. Under no circumstance, including indirect, special, consequential, punitive damages, negligence, loss of revenues, lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of data, etc. arising out of or in connection with the access to and/or the use of website.

Use of “cookies” use own and third-party cookies to facilitate the browse by his website and obtain major efficiency and customize the services offered to the USERS. For more information about their use, click on Fundación Iberdrola España’s Cookie policy.

English translation

The information and documentation available on this web site in English is provided for informational purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail.

Jurisdiction and applicable legislation

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the provisions of Spanish legislation.

In the event of any discrepancy or dispute as a result of the interpretation or application of these Terms of Use, Fundación Iberdrola España and the USER, expressly renouncing any other code of law which may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the residence of the USER. In the event that the USER is resident outside Spain, Fundación Iberdrola España and the USER, expressly renouncing any other code of law which may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.


Fundación Iberdrola España (the Foundation) is committed to protecting your privacy, guaranteeing compliance with personal data protection legislation and, in particular, that your personal information will be processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, for specific and explicit legitimate ends, where it is appropriate, relevant and limited to that required for processing. Data treatment shall be accurate and updated, ensuring that it is only possible to identify the interested party for the time necessary for the purposes of the processing, thus guaranteeing your security.

In accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data, specifically that provided for in the General Data Protection Regulations, we hereby inform you about the processing of your personal data through our Privacy Policy.

Certain personal data processing operations may however be subject to other privacy notices that will be provided to you at the time that they are requested or processed. If this privacy notice is updated, we will inform you in due time in writing.

Security measures

The transaction pages through which users of consults projects or activities located on a secure site. To confirm that you are viewing our company´s Web site, please look for the word IBERDROLA on the upper navigation bar. Likewise, you may check that you are viewing a secure site by looking for the URL in Properties (right-mouse click). The URL begins with ‘https’, with the’s’ indicating that the content is provided through a secure site.


The pages provide links to other content which is the property of third parties. The sole object of the links is to provide the USER with the possibility of complementing information through these links. Fundación Iberdrola España does not under any circumstances accept any liability for the results which may be occasioned to the USER through accessing these links.

The USER and any other natural or legal person who may foresee to establish any technical device to link their website to website must ask for and obtain prior written authorization from Fundación Iberdrola España. The link to website neither imply, in any case, the existence of any kind of relationship between Fundación Iberdrola España and the owner of the site, nor the acceptance, from Fundación Iberdrola España, of its content.

© 2019 Fundación Iberdrola España, All rights reserved.