Social aid programme: area for seriously ill people
The Iberdrola España Foundation’s Social Aid Programme focuses on direct collaboration with non-profit social entities. The alliance established between the foundation and these associations enables the development of over thirty social projects per year, which aim to improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable.

One of the areas this programme works on is the improvement of the quality of life of persons suffering from serious illnesses.
Promoting education, social integration and the development of a healthy lifestyle are the three aims of the Programme, which focuses on children, young people and women as priority groups.
One of the areas this programme works on is the improvement of the quality of life of persons suffering from serious illnesses. Through social projects, specific issues, such as poverty, social integration, leisure and free time and addiction are tackled..
On the addiction side, the Iberdrola Foundation has been closely allied with Proyecto Hombre for many years, supporting community therapy and social/work integration programmes for young people in the regions of Castilla La Mancha, Castilla and León, Valencia and the Basque Country. We also work with Fundación Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (the Help Against Drug Addiction Foundation – FAD) in prevention and awareness.
Another of the aims is to facilitate leisure and free time for developing skills that foster autonomy, personal growth and the acceptance of illness. The Foundation’s support for the Menudos Corazones Leisure and Free Time Programme enables a hundred or so children and adolescents suffering from congenital heart diseases to participate in summer camps, thus providing a positive experience that also gives the family a welcome “breather”.
Deserving of special mention is the foundation’s collaboration with the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (Spanish Cancer Association) (AECC) in the comprehensive support of sick people and their families that suffer poverty or social exclusion. This project covers basic food, housing needs, etc., during periods of hospitalisation. One of these services is the AECC centre in Málaga, about which we will find more out in the video on this story.