The 1st edition of the Inspira Program, an inclusive training, and Green Economy program in Castilla-La Mancha, comes to an end
- Fundación Iberdrola España, together with Save the Children, closes this first edition with a positive impact.
- 58% of the young people enrolled in the program have completed their training.
Illescas, Toledo.
This morning, Fundación Iberdrola España held the closing ceremony and presentation of diplomas for the 1st edition of the Inspira Program at the Centro Espacio Creación Joven in Illescas.
The Inspira Program is a social and labor insertion program aimed at young people between 16 and 30 years at risk of social exclusion and vulnerability. One of the most important objectives of the program has been to contribute to the incorporation of this group into the labor market, reinforcing their initial academic and complementary training and motivating both young people and their families to redirect themselves towards theoretical and practical training in the energy sector, a sector that is currently in continuous growth and has a high demand for work.

In his speech, Jose Manuel Tofiño, the mayor of Illescas, stressed that “today we can see here young people who have been able to train themselves with the help of teachers to achieve a goal, continue their training and enter the labor market”, highlighting the work of the teachers in adapting to this program.
For his part, Ramón Castresana, the director of Fundación Iberdrola España, adds that “At present, everything related to the Green Economy sector is in great demand and has a 100% employability rate”. He also expresses the foundation’s interest in future inclusive training programs promoted by the Regional Ministry of Castilla – La Mancha.
Regarding the program’s results, this first edition of the Inspira Program has been very well received, since of the 19 candidates who started, 11 have managed to complete the training. In addition, 1 one of them has found a job in a photovoltaic panel technical and maintenance company, and another 6 will soon begin training in the electricity and reforestation sector.
Fundación Iberdrola España
Since its creation, Iberdrola has been committed to the energy, cultural, educational, and social development of the communities in which it operates. In this regard, Fundación Iberdrola España represents a further step in this commitment by promoting initiatives that improve people’s quality of life.
Furthermore, within the framework of Iberdrola’s commitment to excellence in training, Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with scholarship programs of various institutions such as the Fulbright Commission, which each year calls for Iberdrola-Fulbright scholarships; the Fundación Carolina, which has a program for Mexican and Brazilian students; and the restoration workshops of the Museo Nacional del Prado and the Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, which allow future specialists to complete their training in the conservation and restoration programs of these institutions.