Red Acoge

Red Acoge

  • Fundación Iberdrola España finances Red Acoge eMplea’s project to improve women’s employability with 30,000€.
  • The entity has 21 organizations distributed throughout the peninsula.
  • Thanks to its program, 150 women of migrant origin will receive a pre-employment orientation.

Fundación Iberdrola España and Red Acoge have been collaborating since 2020. The entity has more than 30 years of experience in promoting the rights of migrants living in Spain. They accompany and contribute to the defense of rights and promote the inclusion and participation of migrants and refugees, promoting equal opportunities and their socio-labor integration.


The Red Acoge eMplea project aims to improve the employability and access to the labor market of women of migrant origin who are in a vulnerable social situation.

  • Once inside the program, individual and group work sessions will be framed, whose final objective will be promoting their employability.
  • They will have individual orientation tutorials to learn how to navigate the labor market either with information on employability conditions or prepare a CV.
  • As a group, they will be able to participate in workshops on literacy, the use of ICTs, and interview preparation, among others.

The initiative will benefit 150 women of migrant origin of working age with educational and/or labor market insertion needs and their families.