Ciudad Joven Association
- The Ciudad Joven Association’s Comprehensive Education for the Social Inclusion of Minors project will receive 40,000€ in funding from Fundación Iberdrola España.
- With this project, Ciudad Joven will work in the Vallecas neighborhood with 100 minors between the ages of 6 and 16 to provide them with an inclusive education

Ciudad Joven and Fundación Iberdrola España have been collaborating since 2015. The association’s work focuses on providing quality education to minors in social exclusion. The entity made a great effort to help this group and their families during the pandemic by requesting help from Fundación Iberdrola España so that the youngsters could continue with school support activities during the confinement.
The main objectives of the project are:
- To encourage the personal and educational development of young people by providing them with inclusive education and training that facilitates their social integration and personal maturity with a view to their incorporation into the labor market.
- To support those who suffer from learning disorders, lack of family motivation, problems of absenteeism, and school failure.
- To provide the emotional tools that they can use to manage problems of aggressiveness, affective deficiencies, lack of social skills, etc.
- Support to family relationships for the educational development of their children, improved relationship between families and school educators, intermediation with educational centers, etc.
With more than 25 years of experience, Ciudad Joven has been developing, improving, and modifying this educational project in each of the calls. To this end, it adapts the project according to the new needs and interests of young people and integrates their proposals, always seeking to improve their educational and social skills